Better Together
I lived in England for two years, serving as a missionary for my church. While there I had the opportunity to work with a wide variety of people. One of the best companions that I had shared something very special with me. For many generations he had been in a line of parents that got divorced, and it was something that he wanted to stop with him. He had seen the effects that divorce can have first hand and did not want the same thing for his family. His determination to change his nature and not just his behavior always inspired me, and I admired him for it. Divorce has damaging effects on everyone involved. When time is taken after disagreements, or even if the decision has already been made to get divorced, it allows for people to rethink things and “cool off” in a sense. Most people that get divorced regret it, and even when they get remarried they can feel that they could have saved their first marriage. The family is such a sacred thing. Do not let misunderstandings or disag...